Warning for safe spotting at Hammerfall, Arathi Highlands?

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Warning for safe spotting at Hammerfall, Arathi Highlands?

by Oloryn » Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:45 am

Hello Nostalrius Staff,
I was doing a WPvP raid in Arathi Highlands with some guildies, we had pulled and killed their flight master at Hammerfall multiple times over the course of our raid. The Guards were able to fully engage us even when we attacked their flight master through the fence and pulled him out of the town to kill it, about 4-5 guards followed the flight master out. Then, roughly between 7pm and 7:45pm pst, a Game Master by the name of Nalorious had contacted me saying that I was abusing the ToU by safespotting. So I read the ToU and it states in section C;

"Using or exploiting errors in design, features, and/or bugs to gain access that is otherwise not available, to facilitate and/or grant you an advantage over other players.
Engaging in combat whilst standing on a section of the world that neutralizes the ability of town guards to detect and/or engage you.
Engaging players through various world terrain, such as roofs that is otherwise not possible, to facilitate and/or grant you an advantage.
Intentionally not participating or otherwise being AFK within a battleground."

As far as I know I did not break any rules, especially safe spotting, due to the guards coming out to attack whenever we engaged into the town or even on the edge of the town. I would like to know if this GM (Nalorious) was justified in giving me a warning? If not could this warning be removed?

Thanks for your time,
Oloryn <Double Tap> Level 60 Mage

Re: Warning for safe spotting at Hammerfall, Arathi Highland

by Leythia » Sun Jan 17, 2016 5:58 am


Your account has never been warned or banned.
The warning given by another Gamemaster was a verbal one related to casting through walls.

No actions on your character or account have been taken.

Best regards,
GM Team.
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