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Freezing Trap Trigger raidus is bugged.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:37 pm
by reflexz
I already have made a bug report but I want to reassure and make this issue very clear to everyone.

Many rogues hate and complain about the original freezing trap because they cannot avoid the trigger unless they use other tricks like reflector or skull of impending doom which is what the old school rogues did back in the day or sprint and sap. You can also check all legitimate vanilla videos from 2004-2006 in youtube or other websites on rogues and hunters, you can never avoid the freezing trap trigger.

Wowhead, other databases and classic wow databases
also has legitimate facts.
Freezing Trap Effect - Spells - DataBase Valkyrie WoW - Vanilla World of Warcraft Private Server 1.12.1, 1.12.2

10y radius for trigger effect

Unchanged to this day and cannot be edited so there are no excuses for this. It doesnt matter if rogues hate it or hunters love it or the other way around. This is a nostalrius blizzlike server and everything must be original and a rogue hitting or killing a hunter standing on a freezing trap (200%)definitely never existed and it is proven by facts.