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STV Suddenly Extremely Choppy?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 9:55 am
by Spoopy
I was leveling my priest in STV, like I have been nearly all day and I had stopped to pick a herb. After which, upon moving, it appeared moving was very choppy and laggy. The best way to discribe it is was like when you're just logging in, and you're in a major city. For a brief moment, it's somewhat choppy but eventually settles after a moment. This does not settle, and it came on so suddenly.

I should also mention that when I stop moving, or even stay in one spot and spin or jump, all is well. There is no lag nor choppiness, it is only when I start moving.

For good measure I went to other areas on my priest. I checked out Duskwood and Westfall, both do not have this issue, however it's possible other places that I have not checked out do has this issue.

I also went onto another character, and took it to STV, which also did not have this issue and even went as far as to do a complete reinstallation. I believe that rules out Latency and online population as an issue.

What's even stranger is if I straddle the bridge for STV and Duskwood, as soon as I enter STV it's instant chop, but if I backup and re-enter Duskwood, it's completely fine.

Best way to put it, in Duskwood - 60fps, STV-12fps

For whatever reason my priest specifically has been giving me issues. My mind control was bugged for the first 3 levels I had it, but it seems to be fixed after a complete reinstallation. Now, for whatever reason, out of nowhere, STV is extremely choppy. This is complete horse shit considering it was completely fine, and STV is a great quest zone so I don't wanna have to skip it.

Reinstallation did nothing.
Relogging did nothing.
Doesn't appear to be happening to any other toon, or in any other area that I've checked.

Is this bug new? Is anyone else experiencing this issue in STV or other areas? Any suggestions?