WSG: Delay in scoring flag / picking up sprint boots etc.

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WSG: Delay in scoring flag / picking up sprint boots etc.

by Arise » Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:32 am

I'm a regular battleground player in WoW vanilla and have been playing on nostalrius since release.
Since a few weeks suddenly a problem occurs in Warsong Gulch.

Often, not always but often, when I want to cap a flag and I run onto the flagspot, there is a delay in the actual capture. So several times it has already happened that I am standing on the flagspot, yet do not cap somehow so an opponent still manages to take our flag.

Same thing when I run into the sprint boots in the tunnels or the healing leaves in the houses. I clearly get there first, yet an opponent or party-member running after me takes them.

It would seem like some form of lag, but that is strange because other than this I have no lag whatsoever and always have an MS around 20.

Any clue what is causing these delays and what can be done to fix it?
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