Benevael wrote:Greetings.
Here is what is against the TOU: Unattended game play. That means, that if you are not at your computer but playing the game, it is against the TOU and considered botting.
It doesn't have anything to do with the addons API. Some addons will allow you to do this. In those cases, make sure you are actually at your computer while using them, because we will check for that. If you are actually at your computer while using the addon, it's fine.
Regards, GM Team.
So addons are always fine from a botting perspective as long as you are at your computer. That's very good to know. As that isn't the case with other bots that supposedly share the same rules it really had to be said. If I have a program running that sends a keyboardclick matching my frostbolt bind every 0.05s that isn't ok regardless of if I'm sitting right there, right? Thanks for that clarification of the rules.
I wonder, is there some respit time? I'll give a concrete example.
If I start an auctioneer scan and have a few items on my "buy the least expensive until you have a total of 20 in inventory + mailbox" list like Major Mana Potion, Brilliant Mana Oil etc. Is it fine for me to go to the bathroom at any point while auctioneer is doing its horribly slow 45min-1h scan?
A 5 min respit would be perfect since then a conditional "if not AFK" hooked into every semidangerous function such as cancelaura, confirmtrade etc would make you "safe" from getting banned for addonautomation.
I'm asking for this because I wouldn't classify bidding on an auction as gameplay, but I would classify removing Blessing of Salvation as gameplay so unless you feel like providing a better defenition it's still remarkably unclear. It would really be preferable if you just told us what we cannot do. The API is 10yo, there aren't any secrets left.