Benevael wrote:Thanks for reporting this.
We will have a word with the player asking them to cut it out (and I believe another GM has already spoken to you about the streaming aspect and what goes along with it).
What the player is doing that is worth addressing is using cross-faction chat to deliver slightly offensive messages. The message by itself is only very mildly offensive, so normally we would not get involved. However, since they are doing this publicly and deliberately on a live stream, this paints Nostalrius Begins in a bad light, and we don't need that.
Regards, GM Team.
So, the rules get bent just because he's doing it while being streamed? If you're going to do that, then update the rules section more of what can and cannot be allowed. Because. what you're doing it not right. Yes, he's being stalked, but that's his fault for streaming while leveling up. It's a PvP server, if he has a problem, then reroll on the PvE server. I've been ganked and stalked for hours for 60's before.
Yeah, he used a crossfaction way to communicate and insult the guy. But, as you said. It's mild and normally wouldn't get involved. But, you'd get involved just because he's doing it while being streamed? That doesn't make sense.
Now you also wrote "Cut it out" That doesn't just mean the cross faction harassment. You're also going after that he's messing with him. I spoke to another GM before and I have screenshots. The GM said you can camp a player for at least close to a full days time before a GM would get involved in seeing what's up with the situation, because eventually one of them is going to log off after so many endless hours. I watched the stream live yesterday, I was there watching it happen. The guy just needed to turn off his stream and take a break instead of feeding the trolls. This is a PvP server, people need to grow a pair. Or, REROLL PvE.