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Forgotten email and username

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:14 pm
by frigidisthedeathtard
As much as I'm aware that this may well be rather pointless pursuing it, I have forgotten my username and email but still know my password. I had a troll shaman called Thralljin and a human paladin called Popesmash on the PvP server, and a human mage called Saruwoman on PvE, if there's some way to find the username from the characters. I'm not even sure what username I need (if it was the forum username I probably have no chance of recovery, seen as I never used the forums), and I uninstalled the client when Nostalrius shut down, so I can't look there either. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Forgotten email and username

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:31 am
by Arx_1
There is data recovery software you can use.

If you still own the hard drive that you had installed the WoW client on, you can run the data recovery software on it, and it will retrieve your client as well as the WTF folder containing your account name.

This process can take a long time and depending on software used, might be annoying to shift through all deleted files to find the one you need.