Why are allies crying so hard?

Re: Why are allies crying so hard?

by Helo » Thu Apr 30, 2015 2:18 pm


Welcome to PvP server guys, even if i'm an alliance player here, i don't rage because someone kill me in a pvp area.

Re: Why are allies crying so hard?

by potcorn » Fri May 01, 2015 6:44 pm

kobayagi wrote:Last night i wanted to be good and not to attack any alliance. there was a cute dwarf hunter close to my level, actually i got a /weave from that guy, it was sooo cute :-) i felt like two of us are connected :-P

It was like 15 minutes later, a big number of mobs looted, quest was almost done and my shaman under attack of two angry murlocs, i almost got them down but my hp was a bit low, around 20% when my new cute friend a dwarf hunter come across :-) it was a nice to see him coming to help me with those murlocs.... WAIT!!! A hunter mark over my head, ugly wolf pet on my back and a deadly shoot... I died... DAMN ALLIANCE!!!1

Well, after i got my body back he already left, i guess he done the same quest just before me and ported back to safe place... Nvm, i got his name noted i'll find him...
Only trashy players do this to each other, and I'm sorry that you ran into such a bad apple. PM me his name, and I'll blacklist his ass.

Meanwhile, I only kill people around my own level (and usually while they're traveling, and not in the middle of fighting mobs.. unless there are more than one of them) because I'm not a massive faggot. I also don't camp them because I want people to get to max level and fight them in AV.

Stay classy, horde.

Re: Why are allies crying so hard?

by DonDeLaVega » Wed May 06, 2015 12:40 pm

Præisten wrote:Allies are just a bunch a noobs. They should man up and kill us instead of whining. The more they whine, the more I kill.

being an ally, i havent parsonally experienced ganking yet.
maybe its cause im still just level 20. lol.

but there's two types of whiners.

one is people who cry cause they got ganked when they were not in the mood for pvp,
or when they were at a dissadvantage. and i say to them, roll PvE noobs.

the other cry because skull gre-killers with sadistic tendencies one-shot and camp them.
to those low life scum horde-or-allies, who werent hugged enough or were bullied or raped and so on, lol,
i say to them, "man up" and try doing something challenging.
because if making people angry and ruining their play gives you satisfaction you got some serious issues.

Re: Why are allies crying so hard?

by Loi » Thu May 07, 2015 3:03 pm

Præisten wrote:Allies are just a bunch a noobs. They should man up and kill us instead of whining. The more they whine, the more I kill.

How do you type this and not think 'I sound like a massive insecure faggot'?

Re: Why are allies crying so hard?

by potcorn » Thu May 07, 2015 5:02 pm

Loi wrote:How do you type this and not think 'I sound like a massive insecure faggot'?

Forums in a nutshell.

Re: Why are allies crying so hard?

by Tyumbra » Thu May 07, 2015 5:10 pm

PM me his name, and I'll blacklist his ass.

lol a nobody "blacklisting" a nobody.

Re: Why are allies crying so hard?

by zarapowa » Thu May 07, 2015 6:01 pm

I wan't to see you spending 10 times more to level just because some frustrated hordie doesn't have anything to do than to gank 10 level lower alliance, for hours and hours, i wan't to see you taking 2-3 hours to complete quests you could do in less than 15 minutes, you know it gets frustrating in a while, and the main thing if all this hordies that are 7-10 lvl's higher couldnt resist spells because their lvl is higher and had the same stats, would fall like rotten apples but they know they are bad at pvp and have to gank someone that they know can't pose them a threat griefing the community

Re: Why are allies crying so hard?

by potcorn » Sat May 09, 2015 1:01 am

Tyumbra wrote:
PM me his name, and I'll blacklist his ass.

lol a nobody "blacklisting" a nobody.
lol a nobody commenting on a nobody "blacklisting" a nobody.



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