How to successfully play WSG as a rogue?

How to successfully play WSG as a rogue?

by Ironduke » Thu May 28, 2015 3:51 pm

I know rogues don't shine as much as say warrior in battlegrounds, do you guys have any tips for playing a class such as a rogue in Warsongs? Is it best just to stay on flag room defense to stop people from picking it up or?

P.S. I know this isn't in the rogue forum but I feel like enough of you guys play AGAINST rogues in BGs you could know right from wrong.

Re: How to successfully play WSG as a rogue?

by Sham » Thu May 28, 2015 5:07 pm

Stay away from frontlines, seek lone easy targets like casters in cloth and shut them quickly.
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Re: How to successfully play WSG as a rogue?

by varth » Thu May 28, 2015 5:10 pm

Flag defense or killing the opposing teams priests are the most productive things you can do.
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Re: How to successfully play WSG as a rogue?

by Okidoki » Thu May 28, 2015 10:39 pm

Don't evade against warriors

Re: How to successfully play WSG as a rogue?

by NikeTheSword » Fri May 29, 2015 9:00 am

Also sap straglers when a group is headed for your FR/FC.
Better with so you can chain those saps. As a rogue your main function is to take out healers and prevent heals. This means that you need to consider your gear -> if you can't outright kill the healer, use mind-numbing poison and prioritize interrupts over damage, let gouges stay on them for the full duration and always save energy to kick.

Other function is to peel FC and protect your healers. Instead of focusing on one target try to spread your crippling poison on 2+ targets when protecting your FC, it makes a HUGE difference. Also don't rush into combat especially if enemy team has rogues. The chances are that they are going for your healers and best remedy for that is to mess their stunlocks. A rogue cheap shots your healer? Imagine his face when you jump in with your cheap shot and the healer gets away and the rogue is forced to fight you or vanish.

Ultimate benefit of having a rogue (but hard to pull off) is that:
1. sap one
2. blind one
3. proceed to stunlock and otherwise harrass a third enemy

Leave the bursting to wpvp, we have too much utility and harrassing tools to ignore them. Don't dps hard, dps smart. Cheers!
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Re: How to successfully play WSG as a rogue?

by jhousdan » Fri May 29, 2015 10:50 am

I'm essentially having to relearn how to PvP after having not played since 2009.... this is golden, thank you!

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