Lol vathdaar, hilarious how you instantly turned the subject from pug vs pug (as OP clearly stated) to how your notorious premade stomp horde pugs.
vathdaar wrote:Do you see Cristiano Ronaldo playing in Random team just for the sake of balance? If we have our good stable/solid premade running thats what we like, we only ask horde to man up and fight us for once or twice
Are you implying you're the pvp equivalent of Ronaldo?
Either way that argument is retarded since Ronaldo literally plays against "premades" every week, not random pugs. If you step out of that premade and play pug vs pug, you will get stomped the vast majority of the time, as OP were saying.
So ITT: OP is continuing the endless and therefore pointless topic of Alliance pugs crying about Horde pugs stomping them, and Hordes pugs crying about Alliance premades stomping them, and vathdaar grabs the oppertunity to stroke his e-peen.