by Aluvian » Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:36 pm
My experience as a level 49 alliance has been that for every lvl 48-52 alliance player in those questing zones (Searing Gorge, Felwood, Un'goro Cater, parts of Tanaris, and Blasted lands), there are 3-4 lvl 60 horde players who's sole purpose out there is ganking. Unfortunately level 48 gives a huge chunk of honor to a lvl 60, and with world pvp you don't have such bad diminishing returns on your honor per kill. Generally what I've seen is that a player goes to one of these zones to quest, gets farmed by the 20 or so level 60s in full pvp or full tier 1 or better gear that are constantly patroling the zone, tries to quest through it a few times, then gives up and finds a quiet place to simply grind mobs.
A word of advice to those horde players: If you want more level 60 alliance to play against in battlegrounds, you need to let them level up. A LOT of alliance players are going to simply give up on this server once they hit 48+ due to the honor farming.
It's not against the ToS, and hey, it's fair play - PvP server and all that, but the fact that alliance level 60s get instant pvp pops means that the people who want to pvp Alliance side are doing it in Battlegrounds, while horde has to wait an excessively long time for pops. So they end up finding that farming lowbies in their questing zones, inside of their quest hubs, etc, is better honor per hour.
It's unfortunate, it won't stop, and eventually.. it will probably kill off the remainder of the Alliance side population, as more and more are rerolling horde to avoid this... most alliance just want to do PvE, and they can do that just as well horde side. Being 49 I'm pretty invested, and I don't want to give up and reroll, but at this point I'm grinding mobs to level as a warrior, which is horribly inefficient.
Not complaining, but that's just how it is. You can't quest at 49+ as alliance unless you have an escort of level 60s running around with you.
Edit: having 4-5x the population of a regular vanilla server tends to make things even worse.