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What is the macro to see pvp rank progress?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:34 am
by Brabus
I tried googling and couldn't find the macro for seeing your pvp rank progress.

I've seen others use it and it tells you how far you have till you are the next pvp rank, if anyone can post it id appreciate it a lot, thank you.

Re: What is the macro to see pvp rank progress?

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 6:52 am
by reddeffect
/script P=(math.floor(GetPVPRankProgress(target)*10000))/100 W=UnitPVPRank("player") N=(W-6)*5000+5000*P/100 Q=(W-5)*5000-N*0.8 SendChatMessage("Rank Progress: "..P.."% ".."Current RP: "..N.." RP to next rank "..Q.."","emote")