Yarumasi wrote:It is quickly becoming a reality that a second server would be a good idea. North American most likely, due to two major factors
1. NA players have horrible ping. Depending on your location, you are getting 120-200 ping just based on distance alone. I know it's a bit difficult for PvE players to understand, but PvP is truly hard to skill matchup when a European players 15 ping gets into a fight against 120+.
2. Server load. Everytime the server gets around 6-7000 players the server buckles down hard and everyone gets lagging. Currently as I post this 8000 players are on and everyone is bitching about lag and the one minute login time. Any video game server anywhere will not be able to sustain such a huge load of playerbase, and once Nostalrius gets fixed up quite a bit I'm sure the population will be even more immense over time.
3. If we're talking about "the authentic vanilla experience", there was a player cap of 4000 people on a server if my memory serves right, which was perfect because it was near lagless at that stage.
4. The playerbase for a newly launched server is growing, and growing. You would think in one month the playerbase would drop off to weed out the people who hate leveling, but in reality it won't stop growing at a nice rate. You will not see a "split up playerbase".
5. Implementing cross-server PvP isn't going to take some astonishingly long time so what's the difference?
Let's face it, a second server is becoming inevitable for a lot of reasons. And before you attack me with ad hominem arguments, I'm not saying it would have to be PvE, the PvP format is fine. Cheers
split the server, connect battlegrounds together via cross realm like it was before TBC release.
this is keeping with Vanilla in regards to patching and give it more of a cross battleground feel for the pvpers as well as creating a stable PVE environment.
http://wowwiki.wikia.com/Patch_1.12.0put faction caps on the realms to prevent imbalance of players between realms.
allow character transfers / guild transfers with a cooldown.
mirror content and patch releases so it is not a stand alone server competing against eachother.
we can always try Vanilla wow with 15x respawn rates of mobs/mining nodes/ herb nodes/ quest objectives to account for such a high population, changing the flow of gameplay to a 15x server and not a 1x server.
apparently people don't want a true 1x server.
the sum of all the complaining about wanting a single extremely high population server was never designed for Vanilla WoW. (respawn rates/quest objectives/herbs/mining)
increasing (respawn rates/quest objectives/herbs/mining) would be changing a 1x realm to something more than that. faster ways to gain gold that was not even comprehendible during retail vanilla.
if population reaches over 10k players, it is time to do something. because now you're going to have to change the actual emulation of the game to account for something never intended when the game existed back in 2004-06, meaning changing the entirety of the 1x "blizzlike" emulation itself.
High population is great, but too high population makes it very very difficult to do anything in the world. and this issue will continue to grow with more population.