Why TBC shouldn't be a separate server.

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Re: Why TBC shouldn't be a separate server.

by Draulius » Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:53 pm

Sethzer wrote:
Draulius wrote:I think people will be bored of Vanilla content

You do not speak for me or people that I play with.

This might be very strange for you, but people have different opinions on what they like and dislike.

You won't be bored of doing the same raids a year from now? I doubt it. Not really speaking for anybody, just using common sense.
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Re: Why TBC shouldn't be a separate server.

by Fogtripper » Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:18 pm

Aunstic wrote:The server just came out. Why are you talking about TBC when no content post-1.4 has been released yet? Everything needs a poll even when it's not a problem? Seriously stuff like this gets out of hand now. Next you'll want Kara to be scripted in 1.12.1 like that guy in the support forum. Also, it's not blizzlike to be at patch 1.4 content while our clients have all content as of 1.12.1. Why aren't we creating polls on releasing all content instead of progressing into it because we have everything post-1.4?

Wow, why so hostile dude? The devs are going to make the game they way they want it to be. I doubt very much they will hold to the WRAWRNOTBLIZZLIKEVANILLA mantra if they feel something cool could be put in as L60 content.

Personally while not at all fond with the expansions -i hate that they immediately render previous endgame stuff moot- I like the additional content itself. Let me clarify for the reading challenged: no levels past 60, but rather post L60 content retuned for L60 characters. Blizzard released content via expansions which rendered old content obsolete for one reason alone: $$$$$$$ The nost devs are not bound by that, and seem to genuinely want it to be a different and cool server that has facets that sets it apart from the other projects. As long as they appear to have that mindset, and welcome suggestions, I'll bid the OMGNOTBLIZZLIKEWRAWR a sincere "fuck off".

Really starting to loathe the bonehaeds who wave the "blizzlike" flag. Horizontal progression is not a bad thing. The expansion content could be added as they do it, just like zg, aq, nax, and if it got their underwear wet, stuff like Kara but tuned to L60.

Perhaps those who cannot stomach suggestions beyond the scope of BLIZZLIKEVANILLAWRAWR should abstain from the suggestion forum. Thankfully I suspect the devs are not so closeminded.

Re: Why TBC shouldn't be a separate server.

by Fogtripper » Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:26 pm

Draulius wrote:
Sethzer wrote:
Draulius wrote:I think people will be bored of Vanilla content

You do not speak for me or people that I play with.

This might be very strange for you, but people have different opinions on what they like and dislike.

You won't be bored of doing the same raids a year from now? I doubt it. Not really speaking for anybody, just using common sense.

See my post above. I am ok with more content, only tuned to L60.

Re: Why TBC shouldn't be a separate server.

by Sethzer » Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:36 pm

Draulius wrote:
Sethzer wrote:
Draulius wrote:I think people will be bored of Vanilla content

You do not speak for me or people that I play with.

This might be very strange for you, but people have different opinions on what they like and dislike.

You won't be bored of doing the same raids a year from now? I doubt it. Not really speaking for anybody, just using common sense.

What raids that we will be doing in a year heavily depends, both in terms of raids available and raids are no longer mandatory for a specific guild to do depending on their own and the server's progress. Besides there is always gearing to be done.

And what of those who maybe joins this server late? They ding 60 and start gearing from 5man and then being told that vanilla time is over? Or those who are progressing late and have just finished BWL and are clearing in AQ40 but then 60 primetime is over because everyone will be forced to have a new maxlevel?

There is a reason why they plan to have the TBC server on the side so people who want to go onwards to TBC can do that and those who want to remain on vanilla for whatever reason they have can do so.

You speak of being concerned about population etc. of TBC server since community might be split. Forcing those who wants to stay on with vanilla or those whom simply dislike TBC will make them leave Nostalrius alltogether and that's nothing but a loss for everyone and will give negative reputation on Nostalrius.

Also you are most likely forgetting people who love TBC but hate vanilla that ain't playing on Nostalrius now. There might be a huge flow of players coming to TBC Nostalrius from other projects once that goes live. Community and population on their future TBC server, that I doubt will come for atleast 2+ years, should be the least of the dev's concern right now.
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Re: Why TBC shouldn't be a separate server.

by Hatson » Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:36 am

This topic doesn't need to exist for the next 3 years or so.
Also, I would prefer to have both options to play on.
Worked on a character for 3 years, I'd like for it to stay like that. It would be a good trophy and memento to keep and remember through many years from now.
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Re: Why TBC shouldn't be a separate server.

by Hydra9268 » Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:42 am

Draulius wrote:I am aware that there are plans to create a separate TBC server a long while after all content in Nostalrius Begins has been cleared. But that idea worries me, let me explain why...

By the time the TBC server is created I think people will be bored of Vanilla content. Most people will switch to the TBC server, and the community will split. Not only will it split, but the TBC server will mostly be high level characters due to the transfers, and that makes it discouraging to create a new character on the TBC server - therefore splitting the community further and punishing new players. And by time the TBC server is released, I believe the population will be much lower than what it is now, so a split then may be far more damaging than if it happened today. Transfers to an updated server are not Blizzlike, so these are the problems we face. The only possible solution to this I can think of is if transfers from Begins are always open rather than for a brief time, but I have an even better idea than that...

Basically, I am asking that the Nostalrius staff reconsider how they are going to handle the expansion, and instead upgrade Nostalrius Begins to TBC rather than opening up a whole new server. That also requires less maintenance on the staff team's part and is more Blizzlike. I don't think many people would be upset by this decision, since they have plenty of time to complete Vanilla content, and The Burning Crusade is a great expansion anyway.

Even though this has merit it is also absolute nonsense. The server just went live 3 weeks ago.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Why TBC shouldn't be a separate server.

by Armagedda » Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:13 am

azreal313 wrote:Why are you even thinking about TBC... the server came out 3 weeks ago and nobody has even killed a single boss in a raid yet.

Still worth contemplating.
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Re: Why TBC shouldn't be a separate server.

by Multispec » Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:32 am

I loathed TBC, if that happens and I happen to still play on the server at that time it will be day I quit.

Re: Why TBC shouldn't be a separate server.

by Orcduck » Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:45 am

I'll be blunt, and this isn't meant to attack you. This is just my honest opinion.

Implementing a TBC on the same server is complete bullshit.

You have a valid point people "might" be bored of lv60 content. However, why is everyone here? Because they want to play a blizzlike, vanilla server. They didn't come here to play some weird mishmash of vanilla + TBC.

Also, there will continually be new players coming in, or old players leveling new ones. Even Feenix WoW, they get new players regularly and the server is much older than Nostalrius.

Especially these new players, they want to fully experience vanilla dungeons and raids, not in BC where nobody really gives a fuck about vanilla dungeons or raids when they can just go out Outlands

Lastly, what is the point of having well-scripted vanilla raids or even late-game dungeons (like Dire Maul) if you're going to have BC? Whats the point of fully scripting MC, BWL, Naxx, etc etc when you have Black Temple, Kara, etc to focus on?

Starting a BC server on the same vanilla server is, in my opinion, just invalidating all the work devs put into old raids and dungeons, since you know BC greens > Vanilla epics, and there's no point in doing vanilla content anymore.

A blizzlike, vanilla experience (in my opinion) is what will keep bringing people here and keeping Nostalrius alive, because that is what Nostalrius based itself on.
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Re: Why TBC shouldn't be a separate server.

by konked » Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:22 am

Why are we even talking about this now? the server just released...
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