by Padarius » Mon May 18, 2015 3:33 pm
I agree, either a PvE or even a RP (pvp) realm would be interesting. There are a TON of people who are advertising this realm by the day through facebook, twitch, and god only knows what other social media is out there.
Point is, this server is only going to continue to get will reach a max capacity in the upcoming year. Retail wow is at an all time low, it's not warcraft anymore and people are still blood thirsty for that old wow feeling. Whatever we have to do to make this happen (pending growth continues) let us know, and we as a community will help.
This is the first of its kind server, other than actual Vanilla in 2005, all other private servers are (heavy) bug ridden, and full of hacks. Nostalrius will be the new prime king of wow until Blizzard wakes up and creates there own legacy servers.
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