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Possible adding a Second Server?

Mon May 18, 2015 1:24 pm
by Padarius
Hey guys Pads here
I'm just curious if there is any chance at adding a second server to help ease the population load. I'm not sure if this is a highly expensive project to do or not. I'm just curious if it's a thought or we are only able to have the one server.
I know there is a lot of time and money that has to go into a new server. I would be willing to donate if that's what we had to do to make it happen.
Re: Possible adding a Second Server?

Mon May 18, 2015 1:34 pm
by tuck3r
The massive population is why half the people here play here instead of other servers
Re: Possible adding a Second Server?

Mon May 18, 2015 3:16 pm
by PanTheSatyr
It'd be an interesting experiment to open a PvE realm and see what kind of balance you'd get between the two realms...
...but that will never happen. IF we ever get a second realm, I am sure it would be PvP as well.
I would also be very worried about population imbalance, because the high pop is a drawing point - even if too high a pop is a detriment.
If the server gets to a point where it's hitting 7K during the week and 10K on the weekends... then maybe this should/could be addressed.
Re: Possible adding a Second Server?

Mon May 18, 2015 3:33 pm
by Padarius
I agree, either a PvE or even a RP (pvp) realm would be interesting. There are a TON of people who are advertising this realm by the day through facebook, twitch, and god only knows what other social media is out there.
Point is, this server is only going to continue to get will reach a max capacity in the upcoming year. Retail wow is at an all time low, it's not warcraft anymore and people are still blood thirsty for that old wow feeling. Whatever we have to do to make this happen (pending growth continues) let us know, and we as a community will help.
This is the first of its kind server, other than actual Vanilla in 2005, all other private servers are (heavy) bug ridden, and full of hacks. Nostalrius will be the new prime king of wow until Blizzard wakes up and creates there own legacy servers.
Re: Possible adding a Second Server?

Mon May 18, 2015 3:52 pm
by Arael
If it will really raise to a stable peak of 8k (during summer it might raise or lower, not sure due of NA players) they should consider open another server.
In order to split population they might allow char transfers from a server to another after some months it has been opened... of course taking in consideration the A/H ratio.
Not sure if they ever do it, but the server's success is greater than everyone could imagine.
Re: Possible adding a Second Server?

Mon May 18, 2015 3:55 pm
by Xylon666Darkstar
Re: Possible adding a Second Server?

Mon May 18, 2015 4:43 pm
by kuskmen
tuck3r wrote:NO
The massive population is why half the people here play here instead of other servers
Ye, tuck3r pretty much said it right..
Re: Possible adding a Second Server?

Tue May 19, 2015 8:26 am
by Koehler
tuck3r wrote:NO
The massive population is why half the people here play here instead of other servers
Exactly. Finally someone with common sense.
PanTheSatyr wrote:It'd be an interesting experiment to open a PvE realm and see what kind of balance you'd get between the two realms...
Yeah, an interesting experiment. Let's waste time and development with another realm, so the population will scatter and eventually get to 1k players per realm. Such an awesome experiment.
Re: Possible adding a Second Server?

Tue May 19, 2015 2:20 pm
by PanTheSatyr
Did you miss the part where I said "that will never happen"?
Re: Possible adding a Second Server?

Tue May 19, 2015 3:07 pm
by Koehler
PanTheSatyr wrote:Did you miss the part where I said "that will never happen"?