"What spec should I be?"

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"What spec should I be?"

by Zelious » Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:32 am

I am not interested in starting any petty arguments but I will admit I get a sour taste in my mouth when people ask others how to build their character such as asking what spec should I be, as far as following point for point mock talent trees.

So I made this thread to gain some perspective as well as share my own on the subject.

When picking talents for my characters, I have set out what unique nitch type of guy I want him to be. I really enjoy the creativity involved and think it's awesome to run around and seeing other players explore their own ideas. I've never felt gimped or like a weak link in gameplay. Actually, I'm typically leading the way and doing better than average at whatever role I'm playing in the group. My point being, I do invest thought into my characters trees in order to not gimp myself, but still achieve that unique idea I had for whatever character.

My question to the general discussion is, what implores you to look online and use someone else's mapped out spec?
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: "What spec should I be?"

by SnowFlakes » Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:06 am

It's a 10 year old game with clear cookie cutter builds for all speccs. There really isn't any major ways to be "unique" and still remain competitive.

Other then that I assume people are just lazy and instead of reading their talents they just pick a premade one. And eventhough you want to choose your own talent line up it never hurts to research what talents other people decide to go for.
oh, ok.
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Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: "What spec should I be?"

by Bioness » Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:22 am

Because certain talent builds are objectively superior than others, this doesn't really need explanation.

And it isn't always as simple as simply reading your talents because they can interact with each other in odd ways or be altogether useless for your situation.
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Re: "What spec should I be?"

by heradura » Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:26 am

Have fun gimping yourself and your fellow players when you try to raid in your snowflake spec.

While leveling or even dungeoning, sure, whatever. But raids are pretty much "do this for max throughput".
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: "What spec should I be?"

by Voljin'sdad » Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:59 am

The high cost of resetting talents doesn't really favour experimentation at the lower and mid levels; there's a risk involved if your main goal is not just random talent distribution. You can ask yourself whether the price is really worth it, seeing as there are various well-researched and tested builds online which might align *very* closely with your goal.

It also seems unreasonable to be angry at people asking for builds. Unless the goal is randomness, it'd be stupid to not at least look at popular builds for reference.

At the end of the day, it's a game. Some people just want to think as little as possible, and get enjoyment from killing monsters. If you want to get your satisfaction from sitting on your high chair admiring your creativity, then feel free.

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