bwl announcement

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: bwl announcement

by imnotfromspace » Tue Jun 02, 2015 6:42 am

mynamewastaken wrote:
detached wrote:
"Please just release a working raid instance no other private server has done before"
Wait, so which do you want - rushed content so you don't get bored or perfectly scripted content?

Asking for both on a free service is a bit... you know.

I want to focus on <perfectly scripted content> and <prescripted content>
Just facts: ... tracker=14 click dungeon and raids

I count nearly 100 bugs already just for molten core. And keep in mind that this bugtracker is not userfriendly at all. It takes ages to report and people just cba to go there. So ther are probably a shitton more bugs.
If anyone of you would make a server from scratch and use the database/scripts that are opensource online, you will realise 80% of mc is already scripted and nostdradamus server stuff did like 0.5% extra work in molten core.
Quote from a user "Ragnaros is another bag of shit on that server. All of the timers and mechanics are basically what is found in the default Mangos core (ScriptDev2 components). The only thing they changed to make it harder (which happened about 1 month after guilds were farming him) was to give him a melee attack that hits for 5000 - 6000 fire damage which crushes for some reason. Also, they don't have partial resist mechanics working. It is completely random on the distribution for probabilities of 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25% partial resists. I get 100% and 75% partial resists all the time in level 60 instances with only Mark of the Wild."

there you have your answer boys ... ostalrius/

Re: bwl announcement

by nervous » Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:50 am

imnotfromspace wrote:
there you have your answer boys ... ostalrius/

Eh, there's a ton of holes in his accusations, video doesn't really show anything, isn't this the GM that got assblasted a few months ago and said I was GM Kraft because some twitch viewers were trolling him?

Apparently character name Thelasthunt isn't even taken as of right now. GMs don't delete characters, they ban accounts.

Even recognize the player "Sweetbaby" as having been level 60 for a significant amount of time as well as having engineering maxed out. No reason to be selling level 36 greens at level 60 unless the video was taken months ago when he was at that level. And if his druid was still "not banned yet lol", why not take fresh footage instead of using stuff from April?

This is a pretty gross shilling from Kronos

Re: bwl announcement

by Momoh » Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:17 am

Igen was the most helpful gm ive ever come across too. Silly thread.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: bwl announcement

by Funkazaur » Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:25 am

Rito pls BWL :S
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Re: bwl announcement

by Coding3347 » Tue Jun 02, 2015 2:59 pm

imnotfromspace wrote:
mynamewastaken wrote:
detached wrote:
"Please just release a working raid instance no other private server has done before"
Wait, so which do you want - rushed content so you don't get bored or perfectly scripted content?

Asking for both on a free service is a bit... you know.

I want to focus on <perfectly scripted content> and <prescripted content>
Just facts: ... tracker=14 click dungeon and raids

I count nearly 100 bugs already just for molten core. And keep in mind that this bugtracker is not userfriendly at all. It takes ages to report and people just cba to go there. So ther are probably a shitton more bugs.
If anyone of you would make a server from scratch and use the database/scripts that are opensource online, you will realise 80% of mc is already scripted and nostdradamus server stuff did like 0.5% extra work in molten core.
Quote from a user "Ragnaros is another bag of shit on that server. All of the timers and mechanics are basically what is found in the default Mangos core (ScriptDev2 components). The only thing they changed to make it harder (which happened about 1 month after guilds were farming him) was to give him a melee attack that hits for 5000 - 6000 fire damage which crushes for some reason. Also, they don't have partial resist mechanics working. It is completely random on the distribution for probabilities of 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25% partial resists. I get 100% and 75% partial resists all the time in level 60 instances with only Mark of the Wild."

there you have your answer boys ... ostalrius/

According to imnotfromspace, everything you read on the internet is true, and a random reddit poster will never lie about anything. :lol:
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: bwl announcement

by mynamewastaken » Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:14 pm

Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant


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