Horde abusing vandar aggro...

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Re: Horde abusing vandar aggro...

by Hackwork » Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:48 pm

vathdaar wrote:Im sure these people who claim aliance warmasters AUTO RESPAWN have no fking clue of what they re saying, you re perfectly able to do it normal way.

You're wrong.
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Re: Horde abusing vandar aggro...

by vathdaar » Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:10 pm

I Am not, obviusly if mage pulls and they charge+ cleave he ll get oneshoted i have no doubt but you can still split marshals pull with hunters (as alliance does sometimes so you get 1-2 at same time) or you can get tanks to taunt them and stay away from raid AS ALLIANCE HAS TO DO EVERY TIME. The respawn timers are the same for us so there s no excuse to pull vandar solo intentionally abusing the bug.
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Stone Guard

Re: Horde abusing vandar aggro...

by Hackwork » Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:34 pm

With the cleave range of however many marshals there are along with Vanndar and the tiny range we have to operate in, this is entirely impossible to pull off with a pug. There are not enough tanks for all this and neither are there healers for all these tanks and the additional raid damage that's being taken.

I'm not here to discuss this. The whole thing is bugged for both sides, so I'm not sure why you're trying to prove me wrong or "win" this. Let's just agree that AV is broken, yes?
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Re: Horde abusing vandar aggro...

by snawfu » Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:38 pm

Hackwork wrote:With the cleave range of however many marshals there are along with Vanndar and the tiny range we have to operate in, this is entirely impossible to pull off with a pug. There are not enough tanks for all this and neither are there healers for all these tanks and the additional raid damage that's being taken.

I'm not here to discuss this. The whole thing is bugged for both sides, so I'm not sure why you're trying to prove me wrong or "win" this. Let's just agree that AV is broken, yes?

is because potato brain no understando logic
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