List of items with wrong status (1.4) of BRD

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Re: List of items with wrong status (1.4) of BRD

by Proctologist » Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:15 pm

Off topic.

Let's get one thing straight... I'm not.

Hunter + Priest PvE/PvP PoV.
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Re: List of items with wrong status (1.4) of BRD

by Aunstic » Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:20 pm

Proctologist wrote:We shouldn't have to tell the developers anything regarding this matter.
They should be aware of these things before they even release the project to the public.

My expectations for the developers and staff has significantly dropped since AV release however.

So you would rather tell the developers they're wrong in doing something, but don't give them any help (citations in this matter) in achieving the mutual goal.

I don't understand how people have this mind set of "hate the people who upkeep the server, still play on their server, and not offer any help into the improvement of the server when you can."

If you can help, then help. Why would you just sit there and not offer anything to the table if you have information to give?
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Re: List of items with wrong status (1.4) of BRD

by alostic » Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:47 pm

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Re: List of items with wrong status (1.4) of BRD

by Mchayes » Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:47 am

Aunstic wrote:
Proctologist wrote:We shouldn't have to tell the developers anything regarding this matter.
They should be aware of these things before they even release the project to the public.

My expectations for the developers and staff has significantly dropped since AV release however.

So you would rather tell the developers they're wrong in doing something, but don't give them any help (citations in this matter) in achieving the mutual goal.

I don't understand how people have this mind set of "hate the people who upkeep the server, still play on their server, and not offer any help into the improvement of the server when you can."

If you can help, then help. Why would you just sit there and not offer anything to the table if you have information to give?

Not really that hard. Why dont our developers do this? It was their (read; nostalrius') idea in the first place to make these steps in gear.

Lets take Battlegear of Might as an example.
Patch 1.5 launched the 7th of June in '05. Dwindling as close as possible to this on allakhazam we get this; ... ?setid=209

Looking after 13th September of '05 (ZG Patch & Defense nerf)
Closest I can get is 11th of December '05. ... ?setid=209

Another important piece of equipment to most tanks is deathbone set. And ill just quote myself from warrior forums.

Mchayes wrote:some info on the chestpiece

5 september '05(pre 1.7) ... item=14624

15 september '05(post 1.7) ... item=14624

13 september '05

So according to that information the chestpiece should NOT be nerfed like so many other items with defense..

I really wonder if they are going to correct it and honestly wonder what in the world the guyman that makes up the database is thinking. Makes you wonder whats more in store for us down the road. More 'soon' bullshit and then a retarded version of every patch in-game. throwing patchnotes in a blender and see what comes out -> lets implement that shit team! ^))))))
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