zachqt wrote:No, I want them to update the timeline maybe once a month, they haven't even updated it once in five months. The fact you don't see an issue with that shows how very ignorant you are and why the admins continue to provide no communication with the players. You people do nothing but pretend it's okay for them to provide us with no information for some bullshit reason or another. You posted four bland and rather uninformative ANNOUNCEMENTS they've made in five, read that again, FIVE, months. They've said new content soon, they're working on optimization (aka lowering view distance again), they're asking players to stop asking for updates because uh there's a timeline they posted six months ago and they're not going to update it but the players asking for it to be updated is unreasonable, and an announcement saying lag, "In the meantime, dedicated developers are working on Alterac Valley, thanks to the guilds that send us feedback from the Player Test Realm (PTR). The Dev team also has some developers focused on the current content available: thanks to the IsVV team, new patchnotes will be coming soon " which we know to be untrue and then bragging about players they've banned.
That's not a lot of information in five months, the fact you think that's a suitable amount of information is hilarious. Hell, let's go over what one of the very few announcements says. "In the meantime, dedicated developers are working on Alterac Valley, thanks to the guilds that send us feedback from the Player Test Realm (PTR). The Dev team also has some developers focused on the current content available: thanks to the IsVV team, new patchnotes will be coming soon "
They don't have any developers, this has been proven and discussed by former staff members. The bugs we reported in the AV testing sessions were NOT fixed as seen in the release. They said patchnotes soon and a very minor patch was applied TEN days later ( with such fixes as "Shaman: Totem positive spells will no longer be resisted" that was reported every day for the first two months of the server and has been known for FIVE months.
The degree to which your idiocy extends and the shit you can put up with is admirable, really. It's amazing how ignorant you can be.
Funny how your arguments move towards pure insults without any reason.
Have a guess why this wowwiki entry exists:
Blizzard simply didn't give you a fixed timeline because it was work in progress and pretty much everything got delayed.
Nostalrius decided to provide the playerbase with a timeline indicating the desired release dates to let them know what the server is about, clearly stating that it is not fixed.
What do you expect?
Seems like they keep their twitter up to date now as well
zachqt wrote:It's not hard to figure out content is going to be delayed when two months after Rag and Ony died BWL isn't out, it's obvious it's going to be delayed because it already is. It's not obvious how much longer it's going to be delayed and to what degree it will be, BWL is now TWO MONTHS delayed, how is this escaping you?
How difficult is it to figure out that if BWL is going to be on the PTR in two weeks that it will not be released within one month from now? I don't even want to see it within the next month, I'd rather go for a more fixed version of it and enjoy the current meta for a bit longer.
Drama for absolutely no reason if you're asking me