Hey Nostalrius,
Not sure where to post this but a NPC is not showing up in Stormwind. "Squire Row" for the chain quest of Stormwind Rendevous.
Any help with this is greatly appreciated,
Your fan!
waz911 wrote:Hey Nostalrius,
Not sure where to post this but a NPC is not showing up in Stormwind. "Squire Row" for the chain quest of Stormwind Rendevous.
Any help with this is greatly appreciated,
Your fan!
Lakweeta wrote:According to the official Wowhead, Squire Rowe was not added into the game until patch 1.11.1. Nost currently runs 1.5, but talents etc are 1.12.1. If you ever come across a quest or NPC that you REMEMBER back in Vanilla, go to the official wowhead (NOT the vanilla wowhead) and search the quest/NPC. You'll see "Added in patch x.xx.x" http://www.wowhead.com/npc=17804/squire-rowe