Alot of those quests are bugged here.
I searched for the min level requirements because I could not believe I was still too low (Felwood chain requires 57 while mobs are way lower)
What I came across was that for several quests that are part of a chain the min level req is set to the actual max level set by the other vanilla databases.
For instance this quest from felwood: are doing the pre quests all in your early 50s and then you cannot accept the LAST quest which qields the final reward until you are 57 even when the database says minimal required level is 49.
All those databases run patch 1.12 which isn't on nostalrius yet but I don't think those quests were that fucked up in vanilla. I remember doing this quest 10 years ago when I was in that zone. It was hard for me so I'm pretty sure I wasn't 57 yet.
Leveling another character right now - gonna report all those "buggy" quests in the bugtracker.