by Mobi » Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:14 pm
FYI in general, blizzard did occasionally force you to take the "long" way around to a node, but it never forced wall climbing of any sort, nor did it ever force you to drop down from above a node to grab it in an area. Anyone saying otherwise is full of it, or happened to see a bugged node on retail that was definitely fixed at some point.
I wish I had my gatherer data from retail, I was pretty OCD about getting every node for a while and I imagine I had prolly over 95% of them charted (honestly, prolly 99%+ but who can say really, I just know it was extremely rare for me to find an uncharted node). I shared the data on some forums at the time, but I haven't been able to recover it. The gist is though that mangos data is incomplete by a fair amount, and on top of that mangos also duplicates the same spawn in multiple locations (but at the same time, there were side-by-side spawns at a few spots).