by Habakkuk » Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:00 pm
Hah, I was not aware. I just find it fascinating that people are so emotional about this topic to be honest. When you can share bank accounts and a tax return, it's hard to accept that logging into a video game equates to an unforgivable (bannable) offense.
To everyone saying they hope I'm banned, I honestly have no idea why you even cared enough to post but it will make you happy that we've just decided that Nostalrius isn't the place for us to play after all, so we're leaving of our own accord.
In the end, we have no desire to invest time into accounts on server where there's a chance our accounts will be permanently banned/locked because the powers that be decide we have too many IP's from a single service provider, or because logging into a wife or a son's account is account sharing. I didn't hide it because I didn't feel I should have to.
I wish everyone the best of luck, and happy gaming ~ To those who play with family, be careful. Don't say anything like "Let me log into my wife's account real fast" or use autofollow when logged in on the same IP and you should go unnoticed. If your ok with that, then you'll probably be fine. For us, it's just not worth the hassle and always worrying about it.
If they ever choose to update their Terms, we'd come back because it's otherwise a pretty good server.