Communicating with the enemy during BG match allowed?

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Communicating with the enemy during BG match allowed?

by foriamdeath8382 » Sat Aug 08, 2015 4:36 am

So i was in a WSG match today, 10-19 bracket and a horde member was talking to their "Dude" who was an ally member. So basically he was aiding the alliance during the match, by backing off from helping his comrades,and doing things such as asking his friend to wait at the end of the tunnel, knowing that a lower level horde member was coming by making it a easy kill for his friend. i asked him about it and he simply responded " Thats my dude" -.- idk about you guys but i dont think this should be allowed. pointing out allies to kill kinda undermines the whole fight : / i reported it to a gm and he said theres nothing that can be done. Last i checked on the rules aiding the enemy in a bg against the terms. Am i just misunderstanding something or does this not fall into that category ?

Re: Communicating with the enemy during BG match allowed?

by Oldlemon » Sat Aug 08, 2015 8:14 am

Well that is an aspect of online gaming. If you were playing call of duty on xbox live with a friend, you were probably in a party with him so only you two were able to talk to each other. But you wanted to play against each other so you did not party up in game but instead one of you joined a game and if there was an open slot you told your friend to join the session in progress.

Now you are both on different teams but able to communicate with each other. It's the internet where loop holes can be found in things such as not being able to communicate with an enemy force.

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