Will we have access to the old school mounts?

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Will we have access to the old school mounts?

by norwayguy » Sun Feb 22, 2015 5:26 pm


I saw the timeline stuff and I absolutely love it! I'm very excited about experiencing the old items and such. It got me thinking though. From what I understand, at the beginning of the server's life we'll simulate playing patch 1.4.0, correct? Does this mean that all the old epic mounts that were replaced with the swift mounts in patch 1.4.0 will be unavailable? If so, will they ever be available? Like a form of reward of some sort? What are peoples opinion on players being rewarded grandfathered items like this?

Thank you :) Sorry for a messy post.
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Re: Will we have access to the old school mounts?

by konked » Sun Feb 22, 2015 6:00 pm


Already being discussed here :)
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