by Two » Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:05 pm
The general tendency since forever is that Horde is preferred by more hardcore players and PvP kiddies, while Alliance is preferred by new players. But when I say "preferred" I am talking about maybe 5%-10% of the player base, so you still get a fair amount of 'noobs' on Horde and "PvP Roxxors" on Alliance.
Speaking about racials and class choices: Alliance has Blessing of Kings, which gives them an approximate 5% advantage in PvE, while Shamans are stronger in PvP than Paladins. The racials itself (if they would actually all work fine) are about balanced if used correctly, while the (usually active) horde racials are easier to use in PvP and the (usually passive) Alliance racials are easier to use in PvE.
On the other hand Raid content is so easy compared to today's raids, that those 5% and racials will not make much of a difference to professional raiders. And then PvP is so imbalanced by design, that it is questionable whether or not Shamans vs Pallys even do play a role.
In the end it turns out to which side you prefer.