Just having a read through the original WoW guide from '07 and came to a part titled "Patience is the Key to Glory" it says:
"It is invariably true that patience leads to greatness in many tasks. Most role-playing games have a huge element of this, and MOGs are even more representative of the idea. It's impossible for players to sit down and see everything there is to World of Warcraft in one day (or week, or month, or...). Thus, no matter how hard you try there is no way to rush through the game world and get to the "end". In fact, though there is an end-game portion if content where players are capped in level, there is never going to be a heavy hand on your shoulder saying "The game is over now, you win."
"Regardless of anyone else's view of how fast someone should play, level, and enjoy the game, there is no specific time to reach a quest or an area. Take a week hunting for Kodo Leather in Mulgore, or try exploring all of Kalimdor at level 20 if your are truly brave. Nothing that you enjoy in World of Warcraft is wasted time. The world is here for you to enjoy! Take it easy and play as you wish. Indeed, the levels are more exciting, the gameplay refreshing, and every group a bit better when you remember that fun is more important than getting the next skill, level, Wombat of Slaying, etc."