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Re: NumberOneScripting

by greuceanu » Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:25 am

Stop posting stuff that makes the devs puke the frog legs and let them fix BWL allready, please!

Re: NumberOneScripting

by cookiemonster212 » Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:48 am

Rylox wrote:
cookiemonster212 wrote:
Bio-Booster wrote:Amount of time spent fixing BWL - Minimal
Amount of time spent addressing actual game bugs & economy issues (Herb spawns) - Minimal
Amount of time spent fixing a vanilla like instance in an attempt to fix a non-existent problem - Too Much

TFW I can still solo it in only a few extra minutes (Cho still alive), and it's now significantly harder for 5 man groups to clear.



I suggest you to take down the screen shot of your positon and pet. You are revealing your strat. With your said position, I can see we are doing it the same way, tricky with FD and charge range and juggling Cho + Gordok.

Please. Take the screenshot down, as a fellow hunter requesting. The last thing we need is the devs fucking us more.

And yes, it's true, harder for groups, I joined a group for fun to see, Gordok charges more than usual and it's almost guarantee wipe if charge + mortal strike on tank.

As if they can't just watch you do it.............

Here is the strat BTW

you are wrong sir. the strat is similar. If you do EXACTLY what the hunter in the video do in Nostalrius, your pet WILL DIE.

Re: NumberOneScripting

by Cornholi » Sat Aug 29, 2015 9:23 am

Lol if you're not going to say the strat and don't want the strat to be known, stop giving clues. Though, I will say it sounds almost like how I did it since the beginning.
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Re: NumberOneScripting

by Thompz » Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:18 am

+1 this post, it's frustrating how they seem to be prioritising something so trivial and was blizzlike over more important things.
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Re: NumberOneScripting

by Spiri » Sat Aug 29, 2015 11:40 am

Tbh when i heared they are going to fix dm n, i tought that they will just add some kind of ability on the king like casting a net on the highest agro target for 10 sec every 30 secs or some kind of range slow just to stop the hunters . now after reading this im doble facepalming.

Re: NumberOneScripting

by Xylon666Darkstar » Sat Aug 29, 2015 12:11 pm

Thompz wrote:+1 this post, it's frustrating how they seem to be prioritising something so trivial and was blizzlike over more important things.

Seriously, for fucks sake.
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Re: NumberOneScripting

by DeeMarie » Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:51 pm

Well we kinda knew that was coming.

But people need to accept that Nostalrius has one thing, and one thing alone, going for it and that's the population. If you want better scripting/communication/blizz-like features you'll have to go elsewhere.
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