Greetings developers of Nostalrius,
First I want to say thank you for the fantastic server. I am enjoying myself quite a bit.
In Arathi Highlands there is a level 60 Human Horde NPC named 'Frostwolf Legionnaire' located at Dabyrie's Farmstead. Because all the quest mobs in the area are alliance, the bugged mob that isn't supposed to be there attacks and kills them. This has caused many Horde players to EXPLOIT the NPC by using it for easy kills or protection from ganking. This gives the Horde levelers a MASSIVE advantage over the Alliance equivalent questing area of Go'Shek Farm, which doesn't have a crutch mob.
I have seen this posted many times in the bug section but nothing has been done to fix this bug that is half a year old. Devs, come on. You LITERALLY just need to stop the NPC from spawning anymore. It's little things like this that make a huge difference in immersion. ... (credits to Cassander who posted this in the bug section) (an album displaying Horde players using this bugged mob as a crutch)