Class quests at 50-52 lvls

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Class quests at 50-52 lvls

by Razorlive » Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:17 pm


Sorry if I am mistaken with the board while creating this topic, but I couldn't find appropriate one.

From the actual retail vanilla I remember that every class can obtain a quest from any of its class trainers around the world, these quests lead to a Sunken Temple chain, and rewards are pretty awesome for every class. For example, I am a hunter, and my quest is called 'The Hunter's Charm' ( ). However, I could not find any quests on my trainers, nor did my friend who plays priest and who also has its own class chain. I have asked some 60ish hunters, none of them ever seen another hunters with the rewards or ever completed them.

Is there a bug with these quests, are they missing, or am I missing something or doing something wrong? Also, I've run through forum topics and didn't find any mention of this issue.

Please send help :)

Thanks in advance.


Re: Class quests at 50-52 lvls

by Galaxies » Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:47 am

I asked a GM about this very thing. Apparently they weren't added until 1.7.
Myyan - 60 Human Rogue Herbalism and Alchemist

Maurine - 60 Night Elf Warrior (hacked and deleted)
Precursor - 60 Night Elf Hunter (hacked and deleted)
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Re: Class quests at 50-52 lvls

by The Shortest Path » Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:16 pm

Those quests are not added until a later patch.
The Shortest Path
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Class quests at 50-52 lvls

by Razorlive » Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:05 pm


Thanks for the replies!

It is clear now. Will wait for a future content :)

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