Hey guys, I am just now coming back to private servers and looking for the joyride this game was 8-10 years ago! I remember back in the day having those close friends that you only knew through WoW but played and talked with every day. Those people in your friends list that you knew you could aslways ask to help and vise versa. I want that again. Period. Now I have been following this server since launch and the forums quite regularly, having said that....I am aware of the current almost toxic state of the server.
So knowing all this Im sure this is will be more difficult the second time around, but hell im here for the long haul so why not try. Im looking for about 2-8 chill, level headed people to form some what of an elite core group of friends haha Just to be clear, I do not mean a guild. That will come with time.
Anyway if any of this hits home for you feel free to hit me up in game or on here. I am currently leveling a hunter named Kelttset. I am US based and i usually play in the evenings eastern-standard time.
Look forward to meeting some new peeps!!!