WoW Friends!

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WoW Friends!

by Currse » Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:34 pm

Hey guys, I am just now coming back to private servers and looking for the joyride this game was 8-10 years ago! 8-) I remember back in the day having those close friends that you only knew through WoW but played and talked with every day. Those people in your friends list that you knew you could aslways ask to help and vise versa. I want that again. Period. Now I have been following this server since launch and the forums quite regularly, having said that....I am aware of the current almost toxic state of the server.

So knowing all this Im sure this is will be more difficult the second time around, but hell im here for the long haul so why not try. Im looking for about 2-8 chill, level headed people to form some what of an elite core group of friends haha Just to be clear, I do not mean a guild. That will come with time.

Anyway if any of this hits home for you feel free to hit me up in game or on here. I am currently leveling a hunter named Kelttset. I am US based and i usually play in the evenings eastern-standard time.
Look forward to meeting some new peeps!!!
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Re: WoW Friends!

by Böw » Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:41 pm

Currse wrote:elite core group of friends

please tell me more
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Re: WoW Friends!

by Colezz » Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:59 pm

You will make friends as you level and group quest,
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Stone Guard

Re: WoW Friends!

by Currse » Fri Sep 04, 2015 12:53 am

Böw wrote:
Currse wrote:elite core group of friends

please tell me more

Like a small group of people 3-10 people that all pretty much the best damn people for their class that you know, but are also fun and laid back to play with. The words I'm looking for aren't coming to me for some reason haha
But I remember logging on every day and knowing almost exactly which of my friends/guildies would be on and pretty much what they'd be doing, not sure if that helps get my point across or not >.<
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Re: WoW Friends!

by Currse » Fri Sep 04, 2015 12:54 am

Colezz wrote:You will make friends as you level and group quest,

See normally I would say the same thing, but everyone is so busy racing to the top they aren't really stopping long enough to enjoy other parts of the game. That's why I figured I'd go looking for like minded people :)
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Re: WoW Friends!

by Crom » Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:09 am

err I am not sure how this is gonna work out for ya but go ahead and give it a try. I mean, friends are something you make spontaneously with time, hardship and fun. I don't know if you can pair up 10 people and say "good,from now on we shall be friends". What you describe sounds more like an elitist small guild, rather than actual friends :lol:

Re: WoW Friends!

by Oyani » Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:10 am

I'm not racing. I'm taking my time, trying to do as many quests as i possibly can along the way. Right now i am farming fishes to sell so i can afford my level 40 mount. I will get it today when i ding 40 :)
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Re: WoW Friends!

by Flaven » Fri Sep 04, 2015 7:42 pm

Hey! You sound a lot like me.

I have a 58mage undead named Flaven, and a hunter Orc lvl 17 named Flaxi.

Yea the best part about this game isn't the gear but the adventures you have with other people. The non scripted spontaneous interactions. I love world pvp And exploration. I hate racing.

Hit me up!
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Re: WoW Friends!

by SnowFlakes » Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:02 pm

I would like to become a part of this elite group of friends, please sent me a PM and I'll tell you my MSN and yahoo contact info.
oh, ok.
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