Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?

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Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?

by DeeMarie » Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:10 pm

Can't beat that fresh server feeling either :p
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Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?

by Terpsichore » Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:26 am

I played on Feenix and cleared all available content, getting BiS in pretty much every slot, ultimately quitting due to the server's "owner" (**).

He's a clown who one day appeared out of nowhere (the original owner disappeared) and started to menace veteran players with bans, in fact, certain top guilds were destroyed due to officers and even leaders getting randomly banned for disagreeing with his retarded ideas. Ideas such as permabanning all veterans because they are "toxic" for the community, which in reality means that he merely wanted to attract some fresh meat, willing to spend money (you can buy ALL gear over there, including legendaries and Naxx loot, you can also buy gold) but since veterans are aware of all the bullshit going on, they would discourage newcomers, so his solution was to get rid of them.

Of course I didn't feel like playing with a gun pointing at my head (he was already watching me since I disagreed with him) so I simply quit.

Also, PvP scene is terrible and pretty much dead and there's plenty of guild favoritism from the part of staff.
Years old bugs are still not dealt with as well.

It sucks to quit after putting so much time and effort into it but the server simply isn't worth it anymore.
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Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?

by Uddman » Tue Feb 24, 2015 3:04 pm

I tried to ask in the trade chat yesterday on Feenix about this server before eventually coming here and I notied that they've actually censured any sentance that contains the word ''Nostalrius'' or anything like it for example ''Nostalriuz'' or something like that.

That's just silly and immature in my opinion that the mods don't even allow the subject to be discussed...
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Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?

by Armilus » Tue Feb 24, 2015 3:30 pm

On the feenix forums this top would have been deleted within 30 minutes of creation.

I think it says a lot about the quality of the server when they are scared to let their players even mention another project.
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Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?

by Regnam1 » Tue Feb 24, 2015 3:38 pm

Armilus wrote:On the feenix forums this top would have been deleted within 30 minutes of creation.

I think it says a lot about the quality of the server when they are scared to let their players even mention another project.

Aslong u keep the stuff calm and not go over board like most people does on feenix then it should be fine
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Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?

by Feltrider » Tue Feb 24, 2015 4:39 pm

Short and objective answer, I play on Feenix atm but will start on Nos/Kro cuz (main reasons):

-) Feenix is old: Overgeared ppl (less fun in BG, or none sometimes), Economy is a desaster for new players (lack of gold).

-) Feenix's GMs are lazy/missing. Bugs reported are still there (for years, no joke). So u ll encounter many bugs while leveling/making dungeons,raids. And they really don't care. Here on Nos the team is rly dedicated (check forum, videos). Bugs reported are fixed.
Only fixed things u can see on Feenix is ppl banned from serv (cheat) or forum; but bugs remain as years ago..

-) Fresh server ! Everybody strats with same conditions (no gold, no gear, x1). Later, when ppl will slowly ding 60 it will be so funny to see all those players running around with greenies. PvP will be balanced as hell. Best reason for me. Nothing beats this feeling

-) Not the least: No shop. On feenix u can buy full T2 (what a joke :? ) and other blues/epics u want (not all but..). Here, all items u ll see will be DROPS !

-) Dunno if it's the same on all realm but on AA + Wsg u can sell marks for gold (if I remember well). Joke too. Not available on blizz serv ;)

-) New community, friendly ppl looking for guilds & 5-men etc (no overgeared geeks thinking they r god, all new :) )

-) All raids on Feenix or most of em are GDKP, or with items reserved. No chance to get anything as a new player. Not the case as u can imagine on a new server.

-) The script is awesome here on Nos (not speaking about bugs but script itseflf). Meaning rares will drops greens/blues (not the case on Feenix and many other servs), night mobs spawn, correct path for patrols,...

***) Conclusion:

Compare Nos/Kro to Feenix is useless, both will be better I am sure. Only "pro" for Feenix is huge population. But population of what ? Players getting gear by voting or donnating ? No thx.. Feenix is a money machine, nothing more.
And as u can see many players will leave the boat for the logical reasons I mensionned above ;)
I ve the feeling that players play on Feenix cuz there is nothing else (at least for me)

Compare Nos to Kro is the only viable option. But ll not start the polemic. Just give the best argument: For me Nos wins cuz earlier release + server scripting since march 2010 (probability of bugs are less than on Kro).
But Kro has a nice population so we ll see if Nos meets the expectations (if yes they ll gather the vanilla population, if no..)

Think all is said ! Hope it ll be usefull.
Best regards,
Cya In-game.

Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?

by azamous » Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:13 pm

Feenix has had a long history of corrupt administration, someone posted it in another thread and it's been posted all around the wow private server community about how the GM's used to sell characters, items, legendaries, give their alts max gear and go into a battleground, etc. Not only that, in the old days of Feenix you could buy gold (this was the x12 server Warsong) which was it's MAIN server for a long time. They then made a server called Emerald Dream which was supposed to have NO items for donations, NO corrupt administration and staff, but went in a direction of giving the opposite. The GM's gave themselves AQ spell tomes and anything else they could to have a power spike over the average player, just like any other private server out there really, the administration will give themselves items and there's not much you can do about it, some may argue that there's nothing wrong with it, but it's simply corrupt thought and action and ruins player immersion and overall experience. This server has condoned alot of research (patch 1.4 loot tables and changes, as viewed from the other sub-forums) and development process, which 99% of private servers don't have. They just compile the core, get the database running at a bare minimum and express their 'world-wide fixes' that they imported from the mangos sql folder. (no thanks) A great example of thievery and deception would be Light of Chaos, if you haven't heard of it, it was once upon a time a very popular Level 60 twink server based on 3.3.5 patch, the leader Soulkah would put full tier 3 and legendaries up for donation, rich kids would buy it, go into the BG and wreck. No matter for Soulkah though because he just got 300 EUR into his bank account so he's laughing. This is how ALL private servers work, whether you choose to accept it or not is your choice. Nostalrius is giving us a clean slate and doesn't seem to have the same corrupt motives, that's why I'm playing here.
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Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?

by Ghostly » Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:24 pm

Uddman wrote:I didn't even leave the starting zone for the n'elves before I heard about Nostalrius from a complete stranger whilst levling

The advertising is going in full force as usual :lol:
all is now dark
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Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?

by Linc » Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:54 pm

Sargath wrote:Short answer: Either Kronos or Nostralius. Reasons?

1. They are 100% fresh, everyone starting from scratch.
2. Both servers has active admins who is fixing bugs, wich feenix doesn't have.
3. A while back Feenix said that Emerald Dream will be "pay for gear".
4. The feenix community has gone to shit compared to what it once was.

He/she didn't ask about kronos... -_-

I think Nostalrius Begins would be the best server vs Feenix.
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Re: Feenix WoW vs Nostalrius?

by Missbooty » Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:25 pm

Never was a project more stupidly and recklessly managed as feenix realms by its administrators.
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