Should someone with Sorcerous dagger get Mageblade?

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Re: Should someone with Sorcerous dagger get Mageblade?

by ILikeEggs » Sat Sep 05, 2015 11:44 pm

Don't be greedy. Sorcerous dagger is a shitty weapon, ASMB is astronomically better and is, as of now, BIS for casters. There is no reason why he shouldn't be allowed to bid on his BIS weapon just because you "need it more". That's the difference between a loot council and DKP system. If it wasn't BIS I would consider your argument, but you can't expect someone to be forbidden from bidding on the best caster weapon in the game just because their weapon is SLIGHTLY better than yours. I'm going to ASSUME that you have Mind Carver, which means he only has 8 spellpower more than you with Sorcerous Dagger. If you don't have mind carver than you don't deserve to bid on the mageblade any more than he does considering you couldn't be bothered to work on your pre-raid gear.
TL:DR, yes he should be allowed to bid. Don't be greedy.
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Re: Should someone with Sorcerous dagger get Mageblade?

by Talzia » Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:26 am

Even most loot councils would probably consider the upgrade difference between pre-raid BIS such as Mind Carver, and Sorcerous Dagger, upgrading TO AZMB to be fairly minor.
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Re: Should someone with Sorcerous dagger get Mageblade?

by Spiralstatic » Sun Sep 06, 2015 9:00 pm

Sounds like this happened in your MC this week OP, and you of course are super salty since you didn't get the mageblade. So you come running to the forums under a random name seeking validation , that didn't work out very well now did it?

Quit your whining, you'll get your AZMB soon enough.

Re: Should someone with Sorcerous dagger get Mageblade?

by Dejekt » Mon Sep 07, 2015 2:37 am

As others have said, azuresong is bis, sorc dagger is a minor upgrade over blues. You don't want to punish people for getting upgrades by not letting them bid on their best in slot. Otherwise what happens is sorc dagger gets de'd because everyone is waiting on the mageblade.
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Re: Should someone with Sorcerous dagger get Mageblade?

by Aklol » Mon Sep 07, 2015 2:09 pm

it baffles me that threads like these are even made. do you even think about what you type before you type it
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Re: Should someone with Sorcerous dagger get Mageblade?

by DankAzZmemer » Mon Sep 07, 2015 2:37 pm

SnowFlakes wrote:
gotmilk0112 wrote:
SnowFlakes wrote:If you use a DKP system anyone should be allowed to bid on anything, regardless of the proficiency or if they can even use the item.

If your guild does this, it's retarded. A good DKP system will be part loot council, and part DKP, to avoid situations like this where someone with an epic weapon is winning over people with blue weapons.

"Anyone can bid on anything" is not DKP, it's retardation.

my guild uses the only sensible way to distribute loot, Loot council. What I described is DKP.

yeah thats why your guilds lootcouncil gave eye of sulfuras to a warrior LOL

Re: Should someone with Sorcerous dagger get Mageblade?

by SupaflyIRL » Mon Sep 07, 2015 3:22 pm

OP is a moron

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Re: Should someone with Sorcerous dagger get Mageblade?

by Undertanker » Mon Sep 07, 2015 7:30 pm

Agree Supafly.

In OP mind, show up naked so all items are best upgrade to you. To him this is #LootCouncil.

And LOL that is a Pally BiS weapon and you gave to a warrior that has broken mace spec.
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