Onyxia Ninja

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Re: Onyxia Ninja

by connoreh » Wed Sep 09, 2015 1:41 am

Somehow the loot gained from a raid of 40 belongs to one person?

Re: Onyxia Ninja

by Makattack » Wed Sep 09, 2015 1:45 am

Lol.... just wow.

Re: Onyxia Ninja

by Flamingtable » Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:19 am

darknoobie wrote:LOLOLOLOL I love the Internet! First off this is kittikat. I was the GM of Divinum! It was at one point a really nice guild. First off Hers did ninja that sword. (Screenshot below) Flamingtable is a complete retard who was called out on multiple times in the guild for being racist, trolling and ninja loot. (Screenshot below) Also no never tried outing myself and the message on the website is the one below.(screenshot) It was meant I am not fit for this world..of warcraft. For the last 3 months I have been working on a horde guild that is designed to troll and gank anyone named Flamingtable, Hers, Matt, Bubble, Animegirl and now a new guild Song Dynasty and S I X. The officers of divinum had been talking bout overthrowing me because we no longer share the same interest for a laid back guild. Songjiyo has become the new influence of the guild revolting members and using his powers to gear his hunter, rogue alts. I poured over 3k + gold into this guild. Although most of the guildies are now upset they will contest to this. I took what i put in(I wish i would have gotten more back). Looks like you all got trolled! S I X , Song Dynasty and half the idiots on alliance side... move in packs! The Horde are coming! HAHAHAHA

EDIT* attachment quote not high enough

http://screencloud.net/v/62ox <--- 1 of 100 reasons we gkicked flameingtable. Lucky that's all he got.

http://screencloud.net/v/9XDJ Raid id and guildies, Also shows bugged Onyxia, No loot error

http://screencloud.net/v/g2MY Hers trying to explain himself. I wanted to gkick and get it over with. I told charlieg not to post this as it is not what I wanted. Charlieg did it without my consent. Also You got kicked from entitled becuase Songjiyo want you gone from it too. Also told song to drop it and he wouldnt. This is the reason for the disband. The officers are complete in for themselves and disregard the other guildies.

You're hilarious dude. I wasn't kicked for statements against you and you know it. You guys kicked me because I caught your officers blatantly shit talking me in guild chat when they didn't think I was a guildie and I called them out on it (as previously explained in this post)

Everyone in the guild who was in mumble heard you say you were suicidal. You brought it up multiple times trying to garner attention from people. Also, I never ninja looted anything here lol. My gear is shit on my warrior:

http://realmplayers.com/CharacterViewer ... amingtable

Wow! Just look at all those ninja'd epics!!!! And finally as for your threat:

1 of 100 reasons we gkicked flameingtable. Lucky that's all he got.

ROFL Is this some kind of threat? Do you REALLY think I'd be at all intimidated when I saw this scumbag piece of shit coming my way?

Grand Marshal Flamingtable
Frostmane US 2004 - 2015
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Re: Onyxia Ninja

by Vorfidus » Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:27 am

This is good. inb4 thread lock
The level of whining about bans on the forums is at an all time industrial level.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Onyxia Ninja

by Robotron » Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:32 am

ROFL oh my God, this thread.
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Re: Onyxia Ninja

by Seth Rollins » Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:42 am

I didn't sell out. I bought in.

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Re: Onyxia Ninja

by Datruth » Wed Sep 09, 2015 4:10 am

So glad I rolled Horde, Alliance seems like a bunch of attention seeking crybabies.

In all seriousness though, I didn't bother reading all of the shit-posting and figuring who's who, who did what to whom and why. But if someone is depressed and comtemplating suicide I don't think you should be putting him on blast like that (if he really is the melancholic looking dude in that picture) regardless of how many cool maymays you can trigger from all the forums drama seeking basement dwellers. You guys may be having an ingame nerd fight, but this is a low blow.
And to the depressed dude all I have to say is: "hiding" from a shitty irl situation by playing wow all day is only gonna make whatever problems you may have worse, sort your shit asap and good luck.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Onyxia Ninja

by Seth Rollins » Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:48 am

Datruth wrote:So glad I rolled Horde, Alliance seems like a bunch of attention seeking crybabies.

In all seriousness though, I didn't bother reading all of the shit-posting and figuring who's who, who did what to whom and why. But if someone is depressed and comtemplating suicide I don't think you should be putting him on blast like that (if he really is the melancholic looking dude in that picture) regardless of how many cool maymays you can trigger from all the forums drama seeking basement dwellers. You guys may be having an ingame nerd fight, but this is a low blow.
And to the depressed dude all I have to say is: "hiding" from a shitty irl situation by playing wow all day is only gonna make whatever problems you may have worse, sort your shit asap and good luck.

I didn't sell out. I bought in.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion
WWE United States Champion
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Seth Rollins


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