Humbert's helm

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Humbert's helm

by TheStreak » Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:41 am

I can only remember this ever being a drop from Dun Garok Riflemen, and farmed it numerous times for alts.

But when I tried no luck, checked aowow and it said it was a world drop. But every comment in aowow presumes it to be dropped by the Dun Garok riflemen...

Wowwiki, thottbot, aowow (comments), my memory all indicate this shouldn't be a world drop (which is tough titty for alliance...).

But was there a time in vanilla (out side of my experience) when it *was* a world drop?

Or is this just broke private vanilla servers borrowing each others incorrect data and perpetuating an unblizzlike loot table...?

Re: Humbert's helm

by stimz » Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:28 am

well, khadgars whiskers dropped from level 13 mechanical mobs at 100% for the first month. so yes, it is servers copying each others broken loot tables.
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