is it legal to make a youtube video while playing Nos?

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: is it legal to make a youtube video while playing Nos?

by gotmilk0112 » Fri Sep 18, 2015 8:22 pm

Bioness wrote:Similar to pirating video games, movies, shows, etc all they can do is send a letter telling you to stop.

Not even; seeing as it's YouTube, Blizzard would most likely just get YouTube to remove the videos and/or ban the YouTube account.

But really, there's thousands of WoW private server videos on YT. You're not going to get "sued", or sent to prison, or have the FBI kicking down your door, no.
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: is it legal to make a youtube video while playing Nos?

by Bioness » Fri Sep 18, 2015 8:33 pm

gotmilk0112 wrote:
Bioness wrote:Similar to pirating video games, movies, shows, etc all they can do is send a letter telling you to stop.

Not even; seeing as it's YouTube, Blizzard would most likely just get YouTube to remove the videos and/or ban the YouTube account.

I meant the absolute extreme. Movie companies like to send "stop pirating our overpriced shit" letters in the mail randomly, that letter is nothing but fear, just like removing a youtube video for "copyright".
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