Sham wrote:Lmao. When people started playing WoW they didnt have a clue how to raid and deal with boss abilities. This is what made encounters hard. After killing much tougher and complex MoP/WoD bosses ofc things like Ragnaros would feel easy.
Dumdedum wrote:Vanilla WAS hard. When it was current. People have had 10 years now to perfect strategy and builds now so it's a breeze, just like how content is at the end of any retail expansion.
Both of these points are exemplified in a video clip I found some months ago. If you didn't feel like watching, it's a hunter using nothing but auto shot and the occasional tranq shot on Magmadar. No aimed shot, no multi shot - his mana is full for the entirety of the video. You see other shenanigans such as life draining warlocks, people running out of fear range for an extended amount of time. You get the drift. Now that knowledge of this game is so optimised the illusion of challenge that once existed in the
early content of WoW is completely removed. I can't speak for AQ and on because I never experienced those raids before but from popular opinion supposedly that's where the fun (wiping) starts.