by Mopar » Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:39 pm
Please explain exactly what they were doing wrong for those five to deserve a permanent ban with no warning. Don't know? Neither do I. And that has me concerned, because i have a LOT of information on the subject being a miner in Silithus on my rogue myself.
I don't live in the grey areas; in fact I read all the ban threads every morning with my coffee and have been doing this since server launch. That's because I want to stay far away from anything that can get me banned, since I have so much time invested in my characters.
I don't want them to list every possible bannable offense. What I want is when they find something is a bug that people don't know is incorrect, to just fix it. There was no need to ban anyone on this.
The pizza level in my bloodstream is dangerously low.