BWL Release?

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

BWL Release?

by Blackpeixera » Mon Sep 21, 2015 4:13 pm

Hi guys. I'm a Kronos player, and a wowserver redditer ( yeah, i'm ashamed ), and i would like to ask you guys some questions. ... ere_watch/

This topic in the wowserver reddit is bashing Nost server BWL release as a extremely bad release. Now, the amount of shilling in that topic for Kronos is demented high. So, i would like to know by people who ACTUALLY played that content if this is correct.

This is the list i got:

Some bugs, Tortured Drake Missing
Nefarian Landing: Shadowflame doesn't have visual effect
Nefarians Shadowflame can't be line of sighted at throne
Firemaw, Ebonroc and Flamegore loot tables
Razorgore - Players drop combat after phase 1
Blackwing Technicians can be LOS bugged
[Nefarian] Nefarian abilities in Phase 1
Goblins dont throw bombs
Chromagus did not do breath on raid
Chromagus did not go into enrage

I love Kronos. So, i know what it is to play on a server that i think it's good, and have a grudge at people who talks without knowing what's happening. Hence why i came here to ask how was the release.

The servers should thrive because they deserve it, not based in lies. There's always two sides. Since no one gave Nost side in that topic, i'm asking now.

Fire away.

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