I Really Don't Understand

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Re: I Really Don't Understand

by aammiinn » Wed Sep 23, 2015 4:03 pm

find them when u got a higher lvl, kill em and spit back
respect each other cause we are all human , no matter gay , lesbian ,transexual , black, white, red , yellow , short , tall , fat , thin , and all religious ,ginger, we are all the same , love each other

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Re: I Really Don't Understand

by illutian » Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:21 pm

Only thing that's annoying is when you get ganked. You /1 and a 60 comes and ganks them back.

then a bunch of lvl 60s show up and gank the lvl 60. Then a bunch of lvl 60s come to gank those 60s.

...and you just sit there, as a ghost, going dear god, what did I start :P
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Re: I Really Don't Understand

by Tayalynn » Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:04 pm

I wish i had an answer, Im not even sure why "kids kill ants" either. I never got the mentality. I actually was on a PvP Server in Vanilla too, and not once did I encounter the way people seem to interract with each other on this server; its so unfriendly. Sure I got killed, but that was more often a fair match between two within the same level range.

But I guess its got to do with how many are online; as far as I remember, Blizzards servers did not have 8k playing.

I hope youll find a ton of fun on a PvE server instead, you are not alone in how you feel :)

Re: I Really Don't Understand

by TOVAR » Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:26 pm

It is not that hard to explain, many philosophers explained it in minute details.
wPvP is 'Anarchy', while PvE is "Republic'.
Anarchy, by definition is "The condition of a society, entity, group of people or a single person which does not recognize authority (thus rules)".
It is what we have in PvP WOW, the knowledge that you can commit any sort of 'crime' without the fear of being caught, tried and convicted.
Not all people are able/willing to commit crimes. It depends alot on personal sense of morality. Some feel killing low levels is 'immoral' some not. Not all people are created equal.
I am sure that, once the PvE server is up and running, we will once more experience the /world channel full of spam from toxic people moaning and bitching @ the 'carebears' and how they and their little world suck.
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Re: I Really Don't Understand

by rad1043ad » Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:14 pm

I don't understand it either but it's not terribly hard to avoid. I stayed out of STV except for non-peak server times and found good alliance grinding spots to hit up when the server was packed and ganking was rampant. STV is really the only zone I've found where it can be borderline impossible to quest at times because of the ganking.

I've found more times where a Horde has simply passed me by or even helped me kill a mob then I've gotten ganked. One time I actually did an entire cave with a an UD mage by alternating kills of the mobs so that we'd both get the drop we needed. It was pretty cool

Re: I Really Don't Understand

by Kottery » Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:36 pm

Good question

It has never made sense to me how you can get enjoyment from ruining other people's time and it is extremely rampant in STV to the point that it is actually impossible for me to quest there.

So I moved to Desolace. Haven't been ganked a single time, not even seen someone else getting ganked. Everyone there either just runs by you or they actually help you. Like I was doin stuff in Thunder Axe Fortress when I see this Forsaken Warrior got a little in over his head so I hopped in and helped kill the stuff he had tagged. Hell, if I could have healed and buffed him I would have.

Helping people with stuff is easily my favorite thing to do in the game so when I see roaming bands of 60s preying on players far below them it just puzzles me.
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Re: I Really Don't Understand

by PanTheSatyr » Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:42 pm

I appreciate the thoughtful responses many of you have posted here.
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