Ziphr wrote:I have only limited experience with paladin tanks in vanilla retail
but near the end of vanilla when my warrior had just hit 60 I had a lil gear and I was trying to get draconian deflector from UBRS...
I tanked with several prot paladins and all of them were horrible- that was supposed to be after the patch where they became viable and popular too
most of the time I ended up tanking almost/everything, meanwhile I must have given every fucking prot pally upstart on khaz'goroth a draconian deflector to put on their wall
it was so bad that when my only replies for offtank were paladins, I just said fuck it an tanked it solo(had a ranged hold top aggro and kite on conflag, battleshout or bloodrage after conflag to reestablish myself on threat table for drak) runs actually went even better than having the prot paladin.. extra dps, and people were probably playing a bit more conservatively since they didnt have an illusion of a second tank
All that said, its entirely possible they were all just bad players, thats just my limited experience with them... I know in BC though they because the faceroll gods of aoe threat -_-'
I don't disagree with you about Vanilla Paladins Tanks , you would usual always struggle with some Terrible Protection Paladin.
The knowledge about Protection Paladin back in time was overwhelmingly poor since nobody even consider or tough to play/use Spell Damage Weapon until TBC.
Neither many did spec into Consecration for AoE .
Today after 10 Years , those who willing to play/experiment Protection Paladin easy see the Mistakes that the old Players been Doing.
Keep in Mind i was one of the rarest Protection Paladin in Vanilla who did 15/15 Naxx where i never bother to Fraps any fight since i clearly had 0 knowledge how to Fraps or use the "special " programs in order to convert the screenshots .
Today everything is different , sadly people tend to use the "informations" of how people played protection Paladin back in 2004 compare to how it should be and is played today.
TBC was major release with giving us opportunity to Learn more about "we need Spell Damage" for Aggro. In which sets/gems was added only for people to change and experiment that way . (many who remembered/played vanilla have discovered that their setback about aggro was Spell Damage that never used) or Consecration which was asking for Talent instead TBC where it wasn't .
This is even implemented on Wikipedia as Guidance about what Gear for Paladin in TBC : ... paladin%29's_HelmWondering why this Helm have Spell Damage and Defense?!.
or Why top Weapon that Wiki has recommend for BC Tank Paladin is :'s_GavelThat gives Spell damage .