How was Old Naxx40

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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Guirssane » Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:44 pm

Hvemklomater wrote:Uh.. I can't wait for the opening of Naxxramas - I really enjoyed the opening event of Naxxramas on retail back when it was released.

scourge invasion?
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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Garfunkel » Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:46 pm

Greul wrote:with a 10m Scholo/Strat with half loot (before 1.4 all had 25-30 items less) with a 15m UBRS/LBRS and all the items will be unbuffed...I bet ppl will not say anymore the classic is easy and fast :)

You misremember pretty badly:

sshroud wrote:OK, I just need to clarify something important since it seems a lot of people here aren't familiar with how old Strath and Scholo used to work; they were always tuned for 5 players. And same goes for UBRS as a 15man raid, they never really nerfed UBRS significantly except for removing a few spawns. The extra 5 player spots were for extra leeway.

They were never made to be raids, the only reason why the cap was higher was because of a design decision they made back then which was to allow extra players to join in if the group was otherwise full. This backfired, it turned out to be a lot faster to just zerg the instance with 10 players for loot instead of going with 5, which turned it into a zerg fest which ended up being far too easy.

Again, Strath and Scholomance has always been tuned for 5 players, even back at release. Just because some list of things you didn't know about vanilla said the cap was higher doesn't mean it was a raid in the technical sense. You could 5-man it back then.

Source: ... s/4573.htm

I remember clearing Scholo, both sides of Strat in a 5-man group successfully and doing UBRS in a 10-man raid BEFORE they were limited to those numbers. In fact, I didn't even know you could do them in 10/15-man groups until the patch that "nerfed" them arrived.
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Re: How was Old Naxx40

by Youfie » Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:57 pm

Garfunkel wrote:
Greul wrote:with a 10m Scholo/Strat with half loot (before 1.4 all had 25-30 items less) with a 15m UBRS/LBRS and all the items will be unbuffed...I bet ppl will not say anymore the classic is easy and fast :)

You misremember pretty badly:

sshroud wrote:OK, I just need to clarify something important since it seems a lot of people here aren't familiar with how old Strath and Scholo used to work; they were always tuned for 5 players. And same goes for UBRS as a 15man raid, they never really nerfed UBRS significantly except for removing a few spawns. The extra 5 player spots were for extra leeway.

They were never made to be raids, the only reason why the cap was higher was because of a design decision they made back then which was to allow extra players to join in if the group was otherwise full. This backfired, it turned out to be a lot faster to just zerg the instance with 10 players for loot instead of going with 5, which turned it into a zerg fest which ended up being far too easy.

Again, Strath and Scholomance has always been tuned for 5 players, even back at release. Just because some list of things you didn't know about vanilla said the cap was higher doesn't mean it was a raid in the technical sense. You could 5-man it back then.

Source: ... s/4573.htm

I remember clearing Scholo, both sides of Strat in a 5-man group successfully and doing UBRS in a 10-man raid BEFORE they were limited to those numbers. In fact, I didn't even know you could do them in 10/15-man groups until the patch that "nerfed" them arrived.

You're right. The cap-reduction was somehow a "up" of the difficulty rather than a nerf.

Anyway, his point regarding the itemization of the loots of these instances stands ;).
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