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Re: (subject reserved)

by Robotron » Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:59 pm

______ loot is ______.
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Re: (subject reserved)

by Xylon666Darkstar » Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:02 pm

Saw a tauren warrior with it the other day @ mount.
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Re: (subject reserved)

by Arucado » Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:48 pm

Xylon666Darkstar wrote:Saw a tauren warrior with it the other day @ mount.

Stop inventing not even 1 horde has the mount.

http://realmplayers.com/ItemUsageInfo.a ... item=13335
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Re: (subject reserved)

by Dreez » Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:58 am

Arucado wrote:
Xylon666Darkstar wrote:Saw a tauren warrior with it the other day @ mount.

Stop inventing not even 1 horde has the mount.

http://realmplayers.com/ItemUsageInfo.a ... item=13335

*not even one horde has been seen by a realmplayers data contributor

doesn't mean no horde has it
Dreez - PvP server
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Re: (subject reserved)

by bm00re » Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:51 pm

I think reserving loot is dumb. Yeah you can just not join their group blah blah blah.

It sucks wanting to do a dungeon but you have to skip group over group because loot is reserved. This is the way of the world of warcraft though sadly!

Re: (subject reserved)

by sylvr » Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:08 pm

It's an MMO, rolling for loot against other people is part of the game. This whole 'reserved' thing is silly. You used to just join a group, say what you wanted, hope no one else wanted it either, and if they did you sucked it up and prayed you won the roll.

There's a shortage of tanks and healers because there's 8 people (lol when it's all dps) trying to form separate groups for the same instance because they don't want competition on drops. Nothing anyone says will change the trend, but spending half my day in town shouting for people who hopefully don't want whatever highly desired item I'm trying to reserve seems like a waste of time you could spend, you know, actually playing the game.

Re: (subject reserved)

by Seth Rollins » Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:45 pm

Reserving loot is for pussies. If you're not going to let other people roll on something then just ninja it like a man.
I didn't sell out. I bought in.

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Re: (subject reserved)

by Aquane » Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:33 pm

I'd feel bad about myself if I reserved loot

the furthest I'd go is asking if i can have 1 righteous orb in strat live run

if you really, really wanna get loot, just be a little discriminatory in who you pick if you've got options

for example, if you really want that corpsemaker, and in your first LFG message in /world a priest, warrior, warrior, shaman, shaman, warlock, shaman, hunter, another shaman, a mage, ask to come along, and you're the tank, then you don't have to take any of the shamans or other warriors with you because they asked first, but you shouldn't make a warrior or shaman wait 5 minutes before gettng invited because you're trying to find someone else who didn't whisper you because of that particular LFG message that that warrior or shaman responded to

often times a warrior, or even a shaman, just might flat out refuse to go if someone else wants corpsemaker anyway; good luck getting that axe if you're a shaman since you'd have to get a bear tank or a warrior who already has it and still wants in for some farfetched reason
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Re: (subject reserved)

by birday » Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:33 pm

Yeah people reserving loot should please shoot themselves, thanks

Re: (subject reserved)

by phaseNeglect » Sun Oct 18, 2015 6:08 pm

Lets do some math guys :D :D

Say I want the cape of the black baron (I currently do)

It has a 1/9 chance of dropping.

On average, 1 UD strat clear takes 1 hr 30 minutes (travel time + group finding time included in that).

On average if I was the only person who needed the cape in all those runs it would take on average 13.5 hours of UD strat to get the cape.

Getting such groups is easier with a guild and reserving loot (not everyone needs just the cape, other arrangements could be made to ensure the bonescrapper was reserved for someone else in the run for example).

To wuss out and not reserve loot because of bullshit threads like this, the time it would take would at least double to 27 hours of UD strath.

Organize your own runs or just simply do not join runs with loot reserved if it is against your beliefs.

To say people are not allowed to prepare better and get loot faster because you don't want to take the extra time yourself and perhaps make friends to get it done quicker is probably actually sadder than what you're complaining about in the first place.


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