Regarding Server Delay

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Re: Regarding Server Delay

by gotmilk0112 » Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:22 pm

Bazinga wrote:I doubt it's just the population since it sometimes happens with less than 5k. I guess it's related to the number of guilds raiding BWL/specific Encounter at the same time.

"Delays" happened long before BWL released.

It has everything to do with population. Vanilla servers weren't meant to hold more than 6k players; retail servers capped at 2.5k.

I've never had delays under 5k players.
knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
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Re: Regarding Server Delay

by Kauerle » Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:46 pm

This server lags from day 1. In EU evenings you just can't play pvp properly without getting mad. Even with its lowest population in EU mornings with 3.5k ppl on, there is still noticeable lag. As Zecov described this server lag feels like if you having 500-1000 ms lag constantly. So, I wonder if a server cap of 2.5k ppl would eliminate the lag at all?

And no, it has nothing to do with your own internet connection (my Internet has 15 ms ping).

Re: Regarding Server Delay

by Aklol » Mon Oct 19, 2015 11:54 pm

Vorfidus wrote:I could really dissect this thread if I weren't on mobile. However, here's my take. GRIZZLY hasn't been around for months, plus they're not really a good example. You say people with bad Internet don't notice... Did you ever stop to think it's YOUR Internet? I play from the US and I get a stable 90-100ms, every day. When I started playing I had 140 with spikes, now it's stable (minus the occasional server spike, maybe once every few hours). Server cap would be dumb, considering the amount of players already on the server. Why should people not be able to raid because some guy is leveling his level 5 priest? The entire argument you've posted is very easily countered, and presents a ton of flaws.

i'm not exactly sure how GRIZZLY is irrelevant as we played during the time period where population peaked the most and experienced this very problem Zecov is describing. you don't notice it because you've been playing with it all along. go play on a server that is located near you and see the difference.

there is 100% lag due to population numbers. US players will not notice it because we already have delay due to ping, but euros have definitely noticed it that I have played with. mangos is not made to sustain peaks of 6-9k players, plain and simple.
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Re: Regarding Server Delay

by Starbright » Tue Oct 20, 2015 1:51 am

Zecov wrote:I just want to start off saying that I love this server and this is not meant as a bash.

- But the server clearly has server delay during EU peak times for months now and many are experiencing it. The people saying otherwise either are playing from the US / Australia and are used to it, or simply has bad internet or hasn't played on the live server or other vanilla private servers where there is no delay at all.

I really hoped the new PvE server would take some of the huge population from the PvP server and reduce the server delay so that I, and lots of others, can enjoy raiding and using our classes to the fullest without having a 0.5 - 1 second delay on all spells during our weekly raids at EU peak times or evening PvP.

I know that the GM's of Nostalrius has multiple times stated that they "now have fixed lag on our server" - but I'm not feeling it, and I know a lot of others who don't either (speaking pike time, where raids are happening).
My old guild GRIZZLY was by a lot mainly US players and they complained about it as well, just proving that it is not EU people only.

I made this thread to hopefully get a response if Nostalrius are able to fix the server delay one day, or might be open to a server cap? Personally I would much rather sit in a 30 minute que and play with no lag or delay the entire day or evening, than being handicapped in either PvE or PvP having to wait 0.5 - 1 second on everything that I press.

I hope I speak for the majority here and that this can be a constructive thread, without the 1% having to shoot me down to the ground for even suggesting a server cap and that the 1% hopefully will stay off this thread.

- Quality over quantity.
Thank you!

Blizzlike server delay, mate.
<Guildmaster of Return>
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Re: Regarding Server Delay

by Crooked Creek » Fri Oct 23, 2015 5:56 am

Getting 0.5 seconds delay at pve with 1000 online at the moment. 56 ms.

This delay has nothing to do with latency, nothing to do with online.

Crooked Creek

Re: Regarding Server Delay

by 50shadesofayyy » Fri Oct 23, 2015 7:41 am


+1 for my Arathi Basin buddy zecov. We Canadians feel the pain too.

Re: Regarding Server Delay

by Dreez » Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:21 am

the delay was way bigger a few months ago, so something was fixed. If I'm not mistaking it was a clustering system.

Apparently there is a server delay at population peak times, yet nowhere near unplayable.
If you don't want server delay you should play on a 300 pop server, there's no way to get a high pop realm without delay
Dreez - PvP server
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Re: Regarding Server Delay

by diogenes » Fri Oct 23, 2015 11:01 pm

Vorfidus wrote:I play from the US and I get a stable 90-100ms, every day. When I started playing I had 140 with spikes, now it's stable (minus the occasional server spike, maybe once every few hours).

We're not talking about lag here. There is clearly a problem when you can get interrupted, the spell go off and you get locked out of your school. I have been on the receiving and giving end of this.

And this happens quite often, its not isolated experiences.
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