Pathfinding issues

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Pathfinding issues

by FaceHunter » Sat Oct 24, 2015 10:55 pm

I started to play recently and I am a little let down by Nostalrius. First, there was this item that you can learn to craft for leatherworking at low level, it drained me of 1 gold and basically meant the end of the world for my character, made a ticket to GM about the issue with details and asked for currency refound and got nothing.

Now let me talk about pathfinding. It is nearly not present. Ok, mobs are not really flying, they just... rarely levitate a little but I found out that in Westfall, the defias mages are insane. They have 0 spell pathfinding.

I pulled 3 of them and got seriously killed. It seems that my tactics, to hide behind an outdoor toilet and let them come to me to engage them closer but it seems that fireballs go through wood and stone and they cast it even if they don't directly see you, it is enought to be in their radius to take aggro.

How is pathfinding working here? I want to know so I know how to use it.

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