by Jeddite » Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:07 pm
If you're going to level as Assassination w/ daggers, there really are only two rotations:
SS -> SS -> SS -> SS -> EVIS
Opening with Cheap Shot allows you to get in a Backstab before needing to Gouge. But opening with Ambush does more damage. Really doesn't matter, but the Death-By-Backstab approach requires way more micromanagement (to Backstab) than the Sinister-Strike-til-Dead method. However, if you intended to level primarily via instances rather than questing/grinding, the micromanagement of the Backstab rotation is greatly lessened since you'll have a dedicated tank to keep the mob's rear exposed.
I leveled my first rogue to 60 back in 2005 using the Backstab method. I'm Combat spec this time 'round.
As for Combat or Subtlety as secondary spec ... well, all an Ass. Rogue needs in the Combat tree is Improved Gouge, Improved Sinister Strike, and Improved Backstab (8 points total). Put the rest in Subtlety. Or if you did like to PVP, getting Riposte isn't a bad idea (since you've already invested 8 points in Combat), but you can definitely live without it.