vorlinath wrote:Isn't wotlk better in almost every way?
I don't consider it to be better, in even a single way. In WotLk, dungeons weren't a challenge at all, and thus required no coordination, which began to breed an instant gratification mindset in players, also, the leveling followed suit. As well, the implementation of the cross realm LFG tool took away the feeling of community, and replaced it with complete anonymity, which, coupled with the ease of dungeons, began turning the community sour.
This, combined with a laughably ease first tier of raiding, turned many of TBCs raid tested veterans away from the game, including myself. The rate at which a far below average player could gain epics far removed the prestigious status that raiding once had. These changes were all made in the name of "quality of life," quality of life for whom, I ask? I'm gonna stop here, lest this turn into an essay. But, these are some of the reasons I prefer vanilla, and, most of my reasoning applies to TBC as well.