Invasion on alliance capitals this saturday, 7:00 pm! [Done]

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Re: Invasion on alliance capitals this saturday, 7:00 pm!

by Simonich » Sat Oct 31, 2015 8:42 pm

rip horde.

But what is there to do? As usual, people are scared to do the offense, doing the defense (especially on an announced attack) is easy.

Was good nevertheless. Darnassus was a warm up, but ofcourse, superior forces were waiting for us at ironforge. Some not so scared alliance like wrath's premade came to kill us but we tactically retreaved to a cave and then killed them.

We were trying to make the assault somewhat not so expected, but there were always at least 5 lvl 60 alliance unflagged following us, those cowards..

After getting quickly wiped, the alliance defense disbanded ofc, then some 10v10 action came in once we rezzed again. We camped some lvl 60 alliance till server restarted :D but we still failed on our objective. Unfortunately the guilds would rather stick to killing predictable dragons over and over again.

My morale is high, im always will be the first to come and the last to leave in these raids, and will keep it like that. I will try to make my guild strong, so i wont have to announce anything. Enjoy your triumphance, alliance, things will change.

I really love doing this. For me, in vanilla, in a populated server, this is the ultimate challenge. The hardest challenge ever, to make a planned and announced attack and still be victorious. Im totally far from that, but as some good comrade tought me : "Patience...Discipline.."

Hell, i won't ever stop trying. My morale is high, its hard to make it low, im always th
Was good to have you all

Hail The Red Dawn <3
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Re: Invasion on alliance capitals this saturday, 7:00 pm!

by Snautz » Sat Oct 31, 2015 9:10 pm

If you ever want to succeed at anything like this (especially if it's pre-announced) use voice comm and do it with some decent guilds instead of random plebs.
Senior Sergeant
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Re: Invasion on alliance capitals this saturday, 7:00 pm!

by Simonich » Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:54 pm

Snautz wrote:If you ever want to succeed at anything like this (especially if it's pre-announced) use voice comm and do it with some decent guilds instead of random plebs.

You're right. Im gonna make my guild grow, make lowbies 60s, finally actually get to raiding cause i never entered a single raid as guild, slowly, progress, it will be done.
Was good to have you all

Hail The Red Dawn <3
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Re: Invasion on alliance capitals this saturday, 7:00 pm!

by Ferox » Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:59 pm

Man it was glorious. I told you all you won't get past the low level zones and wipe in IF. You guys made fun of me and this happened. You lose Voro

Re: Invasion on alliance capitals this saturday, 7:00 pm!

by Simonich » Sat Oct 31, 2015 11:44 pm

Ferox wrote:Man it was glorious. I told you all you won't get past the low level zones and wipe in IF. You guys made fun of me and this happened. You lose Voro

Never made fun of you. I believed that we wouldn't make it. But that didn't stop me from trying.

In conclusion both sides had similar casualties, except alliance lost 1 of the 4 faction leaders. It sure was fun, see you another time :p
Was good to have you all

Hail The Red Dawn <3
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Re: Invasion on alliance capitals this saturday, 7:00 pm!

by Visuv » Sun Nov 01, 2015 2:19 am

So this happened on the "PVP" realm?

And how big was your offense? Did you even have ONE full raid group?

I sympathize with your intent Simonich, but maybe you should first of all train, support (the one who leads should know how to support the most) and above all things "AMASS" an army.

Then again i know that the incentive for raiding city leaders is awfully low, sadly.
Failing to succeed does not mean failing to progress.
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Re: Invasion on alliance capitals this saturday, 7:00 pm!

by iii » Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:50 am

It was really fun, there were call to arms in all alliance major cities. Keep at it Voroshilov it was really exciting, I hope more horde attack next time!
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